Names with numbers - On the generator, ready, go!
With our name generator, you've come to the right place for company names with numbers, because at the click of a button, you'll get lots of great name ideas that combine your chosen terms and themes with random and special numbers.
Curious? Why not try it out for yourself?
The evergreens of names with numbers
Home24, Check24, Office 365, Pier 7 and many more are just a very small sample of the world of company names with numbers. But it is precisely here that the first reason for a number in a company name becomes very clear. Whether 24 (hours), 365 (days a year), or 7 (days a week), companies want to make it clear directly in the name that they are always available and on hand.
But precisely because these numbers suggest an importance that every company would like to convey to its own customers, 7, 24 and 365 are very popular. For naming purposes, this can mean going back to the tried and tested and choosing between these three numbers for that very reason. But it can also mean that you are looking for something unusual.
So how about taking other numbers that either have no meaning or a special meaning and combining them with a nice company name?
Unusual name ideas with numbers - what makes them special?
Something unusual would be numbers that either have no meaning or perhaps a personal meaning. Because one thing is for sure - numbers stay in the memory and that is what we want! The name should be remembered and have a recognition value.
Maybe you are starting a brand for sustainable boots. You could count through how many shoe sizes you offer and name your company Boots 22 as an example.
Either way, it helps customers remember you more easily: "What was that, something about 22?" That alone can be enough to make sure you're found with a keyword and the number both on the web and on social media.
Sentimental name ideas with numbers - recognition value with meaning
Another option is classic company names with years or numbers that stand for dates of birth. This is also a successful way to skilfully expand the company name. Be it the year in which your father was born, the year in which the company was founded or the date of birth of your first child. Such a name with meaning offers the possibility to make the complete external appearance of the company something very special, personal and familiar.
Help! I've found a number!
But what if the number is now fixed and the name is missing. There are several ways to solve the problem.
But the most important thing first: You've already got half the battle! Because now you know the direction you want to take - a company name with a number!
Now try to imagine your company with the values and services it should stand for.
How should the name sound?
Positive, or melodic? Close to nature or more hipster? One thing is for sure, with our tools for name ideas, no wish remains unfulfilled! Feel free to have a look around in our name generator toolbox!