
Even small words can have a big effect

English terms are also becoming increasingly popular in brand and company names in Germany - after all, they radiate cosmopolitanism, internationality and competence. We have now developed a tool with which you can create names that have exactly these characteristics and also have a sympathetic and slightly childlike touch.
The minimization in the name can be of great benefit to you if you want to address a specific target group or sell a certain product.

How does the tool work?

The good news is that you can't go wrong here. First of all, you should think of a term that describes your project or your company in more detail. For example, if you run a jewelry store, Diamond would be a suitable term. A company that focuses on copywriting could choose content as the word that describes the project. If you like, use our brainstorming tool to find a suitable term.
When you have finally decided, simply enter your term in the search mask and click "Go". Immediately after that you will receive name suggestions containing your chosen term as well as a random little English word. The result will be such ingenious combinations as Butterfly Content, Raindrop Solutions or Lace Diamond. Sounds good, doesn't it?

The sympathy makes the difference

Unlike many other company names, the names created with the Small Words tool are not intimidating, but rather cute and inspire confidence. If you like, you can also have a look at our other tools and try out our initial mixer or our fantasy name generator.
You still don't have enough input? Then have a look around in our toolbox: Here you will find even more ingenious tools and you can also use our premium support.

Have random English words suggested that have something small or cute about them. Words such as berry or raindrop, for example.

Even if the word does not describe your project, it can lend your project or company a sympathetic, lovable or childlike touch. An additional project-related word is added to let people know what your project or firm is all about.

Examples of names with "small" words are Hummingbird Solutions or Falcon Jewelry. A name like this is timeless and universally applicable.