
Names with colors - make your company colorful

Colors have always had a tremendous effect on people. With the blue of the sea and the sky we combine relaxation and peace, with the yellow of the sun warmth and summer and with the green of the forests nature and life. More and more entrepreneurs are taking advantage of the power of colors by integrating colors into the name of their company and immediately evoking certain associations in people's minds.
Would you also like to use colors to name your company and place it on the road to success right from the start? Then this tool for names with colors is perfect for you.

English color names and a project describing word

With one click you will be offered random English color names. In order to be able to see at a glance what your company stands for, the English color name is supplemented by a word that perfectly describes the work area of your company.
In this way you kill two birds with one stone: You not only represent a color in your company name with which everyone associates a certain image, but you also expand this image into something completely new that you can fill with life by linking it with your project-describing word.

On the colors, ready, go!

So, now it is time for action. Just try the tool Names with Colors and be surprised what colorful company names it has in store for you. If you still haven't received enough word inspirations, you are welcome to have a look at our other name generators and get names with numbers, exotic fantasy names or even company names with location references.
For all those who still haven't had enough, there are more generators waiting to be tried out in our paid toolbox. An additional plus: Here you are entitled to our premium support and do not receive any advertising.

Have random German color names suggested - from anthracite to cinnamon brown. An additional project-related word is added to let people know what your project or firm is all about.

Colours are often used as a name or part of a name for products and companies. They create images in peoples' heads that can reflect on a product or company. Many small and large companies use colors in their names, e.g. Green Team or Indigo PR.